Sunday, April 05, 2009

Woah, Noviembre...

Este umm... 
I'm pregnant... and umm... 7 months along. 
It's a girl. 
I'll be back.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Where did all the bloggies go?

Gosh, no wonder nobody comes around here anymore... I never post anything!!!
I have so many things to talk about now-a-days and I never get around to doing it.
It's like laundry. Once it builds up into a huge pile it's really hard to catch up.
Well here's a quick review...
I am the new temporary "Music & Movement" teacher! Yeiiii!
My son started wrestling and got 4th place in his first tournament ever! Yeiii!
Had I previously mentioned that I got a new car?
I have 4 new babies in my life... I looooove babies... I want one sooo bad!
-Jose Alexander (Chelsea & Jose's baby) Oct-29
-I don't know what name they picked yet(Karla & Alex's baby) Nov-1
-Ava Faye (Melanie & B.J's baby) Nov-8
-Barbara Camila (My cousin Cesar & Kandy's baby, FYI she was named after me!!!) Nov-10
My husband has been out of town the majority of the past month and a half and it's scary how well I have adapted to "single-parenting" it just comes to show that "nadie es indispensable" hehe.
I've had this super strong desire to go back to school so I might act on it pretty soon.
I have all these great plans for Xmas all jumbled up in my head... I seriously don't know what to do. Everything sounds great! We could go to Spain and visit my brother-in-law, we can go home and visit our parents, we can go to California and chill or just stay here and be normal, you know, like everybody else. I just don't know what to do!!!
Another cool thing is that I am in the process of remodeling the master bathroom, it's gonna be flippin' awesome... very spa like but with friendly colors. You know what I mean?
We have a new dog, his name is Hummer. He is a nightmare with the face of an angel. He tears everything up and he is a cleptomaniac. He steals from other homes! Not only does he steal but he takes the weirdest stuff! The other day, he was walking down the driveway with a bucket of paint just dangling from his mouth. Later, he brought this ugly flannel shirt, some gardening gloves and a plastic pumpkin that lit up when you plugged it in.
Well those are just a few things that have gone down around here... nothing super exciting but as chaotic as always!
Much love to all...
10-4 Over and Out.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday Variety

The 1968 Olivia Hussey... my girl-crush. Please note that the young version of Olivia Hussey is the one I admire because sadly she did not age well... she looks like a damn trainwreck, who knows what the hell happened. I saw her in the original version of Romeo and Juliet and I thought she was totally captivating. The movie is great and I think she had a lot to do with it's success, It's a true must-see if you're into that kind of stuff.
Anywho... today was the end of our football season, BOOOOOO! It was not as great as I hoped it would be, but that's alright we always have next year. (I can't believe I said that.) After our last game we all went out and had some pizza. We talked about what's next on our sport agenda and shared pregnancy stories... that was weird, the dads were like really into that conversation. Anyway, we came to the realization that we only have like 10 days of rest before Wrestling starts... whoopie. 6 hours of practice a week and tournaments every weekend. Yeah, fun.
It's late, I need to get to bed.
Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hardest Thing Ever

I miss my dad.
I miss him sooo bad.
I can sit, close my eyes and see him, remember his scent, almost reach out and touch him and then, it happens. The cruel reality that it will never happen again sinks in and makes my heart cold and heavy. I know it's only natural for it to be this way but the fact that it did happen still bothers the shit out of me. It's a mean cocktail of emotions, the kind that you know is going to knock you on your ass but you keep on drinking. I am so ready to be good. Just plain good. Not fine, not great, just able to grasp the concept and be ok. Seriously. Damn it's hard.

I love you dad, more than you ever knew.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

the soundtrack of my life... at the moment...

Recuerdan esa buenisima cancion llamada Bad de Michael Jackson? Si? Bien, ahora, recuerdan la cancion similar a esa de Weird Al Yankovic? A pues esa es la que traigo de soundtrack ultimamente... FATAL!!!
Si me entienden eso de los soundtracks? No les pasa? Se levantan una maniana asi bien tranquilones y como que en el subconsciente se oye algo de reggae? Cuando andas bien triste por cuestiones amorosas retumba en tu mente algo de Henry Mancini?
No? No te pasa? Pues que raro. A mi si.
Justo el otro dia tuve clases en 5to anio y me estaban volviendo loca. Ibamos caminando del salon a la biblioteca y de repente me doy cuenta que vengo cantando algo de Maria Daniela y su Sonido Lasser. Weird, si lo se, pero era super apropiado para el momento. Otro instante fue el fin pasado cuando estaba bien puesta para salir y no se hizo y andaba enojada y frustrada y de repente me encuentro cantando un popurri de Amy Winehouse. Osea, la mente es la rockola del destino, woah.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Casi casi...

Ayer fui a un evento asi bien cultural "National Cherokee Holiday" y estaba bien entrada yo viendo como bailaban y sus trajes cuando un chinito se me sento a un lado, asi chinito de verdad, con un iPhone y no se que me pasoooo, pero me dieron unas rotundas ganas de quitarselo, asi robarselo a la malaguenia. Que raro no? Pero no, no lo hice me detuve. Pobre chinito no sabe lo cerca que estuvo a que una loca latina lo asaltara...
Insisto, que raro.

Friday, August 24, 2007

R u ReaDy 4 sOme FoOtBaLL!?

Ladies and gentleman it is football season, oooh yeah.
Who cares about NFL, give it up for SYL! That is where it's happening for sure. This year it's going to been crack-a-lackin with the new generation in which my son is included.
I am so proud of him, you can't even imagine. Before he used to be this grumpy/shy little dude (that's sounds worse than it is...) and now he is this outgoing/confident boy. Sports have worked wonders on my son, it keeps his body and mind sound... that's all I can ask for.
Tomorrow he gets his gear and finds out on which team he will be playing... Orange or Black... How halloweenesque, right? Those are our school colors, the goth kids love it.
Today I went to the "Annual Football Auction", I didn't bid on anything but I sure did chow down on some deeeelicious BBQ.
I am in love with football season, the whole community gets together to support our team, it's an awesome feeling. Sitting right smack in the middle of the bleachers surrounded by friends, drinking and eating concession stand stuff and trying to keep up with the game... it's just so much fun.
Well gotta go get some beauty sleep because we got a busy agenda tomorrow.
I will soooo post pictures as soon as possible. :D

Monday, August 06, 2007

Bajo del mar... hay $31 dolares.

Ya mero terminan las vacaciones!!! Ah, por cierto no les habia mencionado que ando en San Carlos verdad? Pues si, por aca ando... agussssssto!

Ayer fuimos a la playa a snorkelear. A pesar de que acabara de llover el dia anterior no habia ni una agua mala en el mar, puras de esas sequitas a la orilla que no hacen nada mas que parecer basurita.

Pues total que llegamos bien puestos con nuestros snorkels bien nice (rentados) toallas, munchies y todo el kit. Yo me acoste sobre una toalla asi bien cute, con mis lentes favoritos y todo el show para absorber el sol (por cierto ando neeeeegra) mientras que mis pequenios Jacques Cousteau veian tesoros marinos.

Total que pasaron las horas y arribaron a mi area de ¨picnic¨ mi hijo, mi hermano y un primo para contarme sobre sus hallazgos y demas. Vieron stingrays (de esos que mataron al Crocodile Hunter), peces de todos tamanios y colores, una gran variedad de coral y por desgracia tambien vieron basura... botes de cheve, pedazo de fierro, etc... con decirles que yo una vez vi una computadora!!! Pero bueno, el caso es que volvieron encantados, cansados y con un buen de hambre.

Empezamos a recoger todo cuando me percate que a la careta de mi hijo le faltaba el snorkel... oh cielos, dije entre mi y le pregunte al chamaco y me sale con que no tiene idea donde quedo... la buscamos arriba, abajo y ahora si que en el fondo del mar y nada...

Pues ni modo, le pregunte a varios amigos que trabajan en tiendas de buceo y todos muy seguritos de que no me iba a salir arriba de 10 dolares... bueno, 10 dolares no esta tan mal, osea, perdi el equipo ni pedo. Pues ahi voy a la tienda, entrego el equipo, explico lo que paso y espero a que me den el total que se supone que no iba a ser arriba de 10 dolares y pakatelas que me la dejan caer... 31 dolares!!! Por un palito de plastico que te insertas a la boca! No, no, no! Osea casi casi me dicen... bend over.
Chequenselo, es ese nomas que en verde fosforescente!!! Asi que ya saben si se lo topan, vengache pa´ca...

Friday, July 20, 2007

Ya casi es Octubre!!!

A la torre! Ya casi entramos a la escuela, osease que ya casi es Agosto y eso significa que ya viene Octubre!!! (Si, saque esa teoria yo solita, bravo yo...)
A lo que quiero llegar con esto de los meses es que ya casi es cumpleanios de mi hijo adorado! Yupi! Ya casi lucky number 7!
Aun no se que hare, osea si se que haremos fiesta y todo pero no se "de que" la haremos. Uuff... si vieran las mega fiestas pasadas. Cada anio se me dificulta mas hacersela puesto que quiero que este mejor que la anterior y pos se me estan acabando las ideas! Ah, pero este anio sera diferente, porque pues ahi es donde entran ustedes... quiero que me tiren con ideas. Come on people, let's brain storm. Necesito ideas, sugerencias, todo...
Fiestas pasadas han sido de:
#1 Western
#2 @ Chuck E. Cheese's
#3 Spiderman
#4 No Party (we were traveling)
#5 Spongebob Squarepants
#6 Cars
Este anio el chamaco quiere algo relacionado al ARMY pero no se, como que no se me hace muy de fiesta feliz eso... asi como que no muy "girl friendly"... pero pues creo que este anio ni quiere invitar ninias asi que a lo mejor eso no va a importar.
Pues ahi esta, vamos a ver con que me salen...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

When in doubt... post some random pictures.

I love these sunglasses... :D

My kid, bad to the bone... :P

That kid really scares me... like, reaaally.