I tried thinking about important things, my future, my son, what to eat... ok, ok wrong category... getting my priorities straight was one of the things I should have put some thought towards... Let's see... I had a couple dreams! I don't know if they were classified bad dreams or nightmares because they went a little something like this...
I was smiling, happy, giggling, standing at a podium reading a list... apparently I was like at some awards show... (the networks are driving me nuts!) so, I am reading this list and the heading was "MY FAVORITE CELEBRITIES". I was putting on my best fancy voice and was naming a bunch of people... "Drew Barrymore, Angelina Jolie, Gwen Stefani, etc.." it was a long list so it took me a while, all the meanwhile I was trying to make the audience laugh and when I was done reading the list I said "If I missed anyone, oh well, just shoot me" and sure enough somebody had to stand up out of the crowd and SHOOT ME!
My dreams are awkward. But this next one is even dumber.
I was in San Carlos at my parent's house when Clay Aiken, the fugly dude from American Idol gave me a goose. I was excited and ran to show it to my husband. On the way I noticed that Coldplay was playing in the neighbor's yard. I was walking to somebody's house but I didn't know whose. I walked in the yard and my husband had a blond girl on his lap, a very hot, attractive girl, that I know I have seen somewhere but can't pinpoint from where. She starts running and a fence appears out of nowhere and she begins to climb it, I reach and pull her bathing suit off and start yelling at her like crazy and going crazy because I can't find the goose. This is when I wake up reaaaally angry, wanting to punch my husband in the face, how dare he do that to me in MY dreams???
Ok, so in the first dream I am dead after a wonderful evening at an awards show... bad dream or nightmare?
In the second dream, some really ugly guy gives me a strange animal and my husband cheats on me, but hey Coldplay was in the background playing the whole time!!! I say this was just a whatever dream... I am always angry at my hubby anyway so, it's not like nothing new.
Question... why the hell do I dream with famous people sooo much? Was I destined to be a star? To be one of the chosen ones? or is it straight out that I read gossip magazines too much and watch Entertainment Tonight before bed.... I think the latter.
Well, if my dreams bored you, here is a little taste of Napoleon Dynamite's skills... he's flippin awesome... his movements make my toes curl... WOOHOO...

Dreams are just a reverberation of your day, and the memories that are connected to those events.
That being said, in your case is safe to say the following:
you are Nucking Futs!!!
And that's my professional opinion.
ha ha ha...
Para nada me aburrieron tus sueños my friend.
Ayer el Ivan me dijo que soño conmigo y yo haaay q lindo que soñaste? y me dice: sii soñe que estabas como poseida arriba del techo como la del exorcista y que no te podia bajar y wawawa..
y despues tambien ha soñado que le pongo los cuernos, cosa que tambien me ha pasado a mi e igual.. me dan ganas de matarlo al despertar...
son cosas que piensa uno de repente en el dia.. no se, teorias como las de Claude.
Ya me voy por que me traen como calzon de mujer de la vida galante como tu dices...
CIAO MY S.S. (Soul sister)
Claude: Ay ya sabia yo que eras mafiosa Claude, I felt the vibes!!
Lo ultimo que queria que me dieras era tu "professional opinion" CRAP!!! debo admitir que estoy de acuerdo.
Ramona: Osea que loco lo que crea nuestra cerebro cuando dormitamos... pero yo si me lo creeeeo... es lo peor del caso.
En fin, estamos mas-turbados que nunca diria la Trevi.
Adios S.S (tear...sniff...tear)
jajaja yeah...
esos sueños son chidos, es como ver la tele mientras duermes :P
un momento... no duermes con la tele prendida?
Soñar y compartirlo... eso es vida.
Maripoxa!! tu blog no actualizó su RSS y por eso no habia venido...
jajaja primero que nada, porque escribes en Ingles? estas soñando todavia o que pedo?
jajaja tus sueños no creo que califiquen como pesadilla. Pero necesitas relajarte antes de irte a dormir... ok?
Pues estaria bueno que nos contaras tambien los humedos jijijiji
La playera del mono del video dice que votes por ¿quien? no se alcanza a ver.
masgorellie: tienes todos los deditos retacados de razon.. he dicho.
boo: no pongo tele en mi cuarto porque luego dicen que no relacionas el cuarto con dormir, ya batallo suficiente asi sin tele, ya sabras.
manuel: Ese sera mi nuevo lema... ya dejare el "Verde es Vida" atras.
jorge: I'm a Minga (Mexican-Gringa) por lo tanto I have tendencies to do this de vez en cuando. :D
alex: jaja a ver cuando ando de humor para contar detallitos.
mask: dice "Vote for Pedro" es en relacion a la pelicula donde sale el fulanillo ese... larga historia, pero si te quieres reir con una pelicula salada, llegale.
los sueños son buenos, nunca recuerdo los mios.
jajajeste post me dio ganas de cantar: Daft Punk is playing at my housee... my houseee.
Hola hola, he vuelto ahora si con tiempo hasta para dejar comments!!
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