Saturday, April 09, 2005


Things that made me cry today...

Thing #1
You are Marge from The Simpsons. You may not share Marge's blue bouffant, but you do share her animated style of mothering. Sometimes the pressures of maintaining a happy home may push you toward the edge, but at the end of the day, you believe in your children wholeheartedly, even when they're being rather, um, spirited.You encourage your kids' creativity and individuality, whether that means watching them perform the saxophone or helping them raise exotic lizards. You may sometimes say things that sound like old-fashioned parenting clichés, but when it comes down to dealing with domestic disasters, you can be a pretty together, modern mama.

Thing #2
I wanted to wear a skirt, but I couldn't because I hadn't shaved my legs... *nasty*

Thing #3
I was in the kitchen slicing and dicing onions.. (hey, that makes everybody cry!)

Watching the show Meet the Barkers and seeing how much Shanna and Travis, dote and love eachother, very attentive to details... just being a cute couple.

It is now 5:40 p.m. and up until now.. I have only cried because of that, we will see what comes up later.

Hey I made it til midnight without anymore whimpers and sobs!!! yahoo!! oh wait I shouldn't say that... maybe I get sued or something... Woohoo!! better...

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